Aerial Drone Services

Aerial Real Estate Photography

Customers want to know what is around the property. The best part about photographing with drones is the freedom. Freedom to reach the height, angles and perspective. Showing customers right from the start can ensure they will book a showing to see more.

To see the Aerial 360 Virtual Tour of this property: 

Aerial Landscape Photography

Getting one of a kind photos from the sky will attract more people to stop and stare.
Capture different vantage points on the world around you. Utilize aerial drone services to scout potential building sites as well.

Commercial Real Estate Photography & Videography

Aerial imaging has been a part of real estate marketing for quite some time. In the past, these views have traditionally been captured from helicopters and have been reserved for only the most expensive listings. Drones have significantly reduced the cost of aerial photography and provide awesome views and angles at affordable prices.

aerial drone services taco bell somers point

Aerial Inspections

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, have made a significant impact in various industries from real estate, to construction, to energy. UAVs eliminate the need to put people in dangerous situations, reduce worker’s compensation costs and can save time and money. Here are a few benefits associated with performing roof inspections:
1. Real Estate Appraisals
2. Roof Repair Estimations
3. Insurance Adjuster Claims
4. Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance
5. Regular Home Maintenance,


Please note, Aerial View Advantage does not have a licensed land surveyor on staff to provide survey grade analysis. Aerial View Advantage can collect data and provide to your licensed surveyor for review and analysis. This is not exclusive to Aerial View Advantage. All drone data collection services cannot interpret data unless they have a surveyor on staff.